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   Chris Prochut

Roll Call Training Video

On so many levels, the members of a law enforcement agency look, sound and feel…like family. We work together…we socialize with each other…and most importantly we’re there for each other when it matters most. Like any family, we are all shaken by the loss of one of our own. But when that loss comes at a member’s own hand, we struggle to make sense of the situation. In a profession where strength, resilience and the ability to solve problems are both revered and expected, police suicide is a topic that produces discomfort and, too often, silence. Only through awareness, and having the courage to ask for and offer support, will we begin to change the culture, recognizing mental health and suicide prevention as important components of officer safety. “Police Suicide: Shining a Light” examines the very complicated subject of police suicide, including the often hidden psychological risks of policing, indicators that someone may be in trouble and – most importantly – what we can all do to help.




Chris Prochut (pro-hut) is a mental health advocate and law enforcement suicide prevention trainer.

For more than 10 years, Chris has had the honor to present to over 16,000 law enforcement officers across the United States and Canada on the topics of suicide and depression warning signs, medication myths, department policy revision, and told of his personal experience with the stigma of mental health issues.  Chris has presented at many NAMI organized Crisis Intervention Team Trainings (CIT) where he addresses the subject of "Taking care of our own” and has been featured at various specialized law enforcement conferences advising departments on program development to assist officers at risk for suicide.  Feedback from these trainings shows just how well received Chris’s message is, how the topics
of suicide and mental illness are rarely discussed within law enforcement, and how education and training are causing a paradigm shift within police departments.

Chris is a member of the Wisconsin Law Enforcement Death Response (LEDR) Team, a former trainer in QPR (Question, Persuade, and Refer) suicide prevention program, a FBI National Academy (FBINA) Enrichment Speaker, a FBI National Academy Associates (FBINAA) Officer Safety and Wellness Committee Member, and an active volunteer with BringChange2Mind; an organization founded by Actress Glenn
Close to end the stigma surrounding mental illness.

Chris was recognized with the 2017 HOPES Award for his achievements in advancing suicide prevention
in law enforcement by Mental Health America – Wisconsin.

In 2018 Chris was presented with a NAMI Wisconsin Iris Award for his Outstanding Contributions, dedication, and support to promote the mission and vision of NAMI Wisconsin.

Chris resides in Hartford, Wisconsin with his wife Jennifer and their children Chase (20) and Ashlyn (16).